past project
The project “Mehrweg statt Einweg – ein Projekt zur Müllreduzierung in Berlin-Mitte” (Reusable instead of disposable packaging – a project to reduce waste in Berlin-Mitte) was carried out in the area of Berlin-Mitte (Spandauer Vorstadt, Friedrichstraße, Potsdamer Straße, Leipziger Straße) with the aim of reducing the consumption of plastic bags, coffee-to-go cups and disposable packaging in takeaway consumption. The project targeted all tradespeople and businesses, particularly in the Friedrichstraße, Leipziger Straße, Potsdamer Straße and Spandauer Vorstadt areas of the Mitte district, that use packaging for takeaway consumption. Businesses from Mitte that serve disposable packaging were informed about reusable packaging and alternative solutions and motivated to establish a sustainable reusable offer. They were supported in making the urban society or consumers aware of environmentally friendly consumption alternatives, especially in the areas of energy and resource efficiency, and in adopting sustainable forms of consumption. In this way, priority was given to locally available offers from companies in Mitte. Consumers were also provided with in-depth information and knowledge about the extent of the problem. – Discussions and surveys on packaging reduction and the use of reusable packaging were conducted with over 200 catering businesses, young people and lunch consumers. Based on this inventory, advisory services, campaigns and concepts were developed. – Restaurants offered consumers a discount for each meal served in reusable containers during a campaign period. – Restaurants in the project area were supported in the introduction of a reusable pool system by providing advice on the selection of a suitable system and, once a decision had been made, by mediating between restaurants and reusable system providers – Digital reusable information events and webinars on reusable systems were held for restaurateurs, at which reusable providers presented themselves and entered into an exchange with restaurateurs and other interested parties.
The project duration was from 01.09.2019 until 30.09.2021. The project was financed proportionally with funds from the EU (ERDF, WDM) and funds from the Berlin program “Saubere Stadt”.